Adrian Florin Toader

HORSCH Maschinen GmbH Maestro ExperienceTour | Adrian Florin Toader

Adrian Florin about his Maestro CV:

In his opinion, the Maestro 8 CV is a high-performance and at the same time simple seed drill.

With regard to high-performance he mentions the operational speed and the hopper capacity. “We work with it at an operational speed of 14 km/h. It has a 3,000 Liter tank for fertiliser, incl. microgranular compound.” Regarding the simple handling he refers to the settings. For: “The adjustments take very little time. 10 to 15 minutes are completely sufficient, and the driver can get started.”

He also likes the AutoForce system for an automatic coulter pressure control even on hard soils and the SectionControl system that prevents overlaps and seed losses.

In the video, the Maestro sows directly after the barley harvest: “We sow directly without any preparatory work. Thus, we manage to keep the water in the soil, and we reduce diesel costs.”