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HORSCH Polska was founded on 6th June 2020. The main task of the subsidiary is to support the sales partners in Poland in the sectors service and sales and to guarantee an optimum customer service. Another important aspect is the sale and the presentation of innovations as well as of the existing product range for sowing, tillage, hybrid farming, crop care, logistics and telemetry solutions. 

The HORSCH sales network in Poland consists of 25 sales partner subsidiaries. Eleven of them also are the headquarters of the HORSCH sales partners. Due to this high presence of HORSCH, an excellent service for the Polish customers is guaranteed. HORSCH Polska constantly continues to develop the sales and service competence as well as the sales network even further. The huge experience of the team of HORSCH Polska in the sectors service and sales guarantees the operational reliability of the HORSCH machines and the satisfaction of our customers. 

HORSCH Polska sp.z o.o. 
Sokratesa 9/306 - PL-01-909 Warszawa 
NIP: 5252826742

Contact address:
HORSCH Polska sp.z o.o. 
Stoczniowa 2A, 82-300 ElblągNIP: 5252826742