Innovative and robust tine seeding technology

Sprinter NT

HORSCH Maschinen GmbH Productos Sembradoras Sembradoras de púas/dientes/picos | Sprinter NT

Sprinter NT

Flexible and precise

The Sprinter NT from 11 to 24 m working width stands for maximum efficiency. The HORSCH NT chisel coulter seed drill allows for a high ratio of fine earth in the seed row and the placement of the seed in a so-called “open furrow”. The seed coulter forms a furrow and removes clods and organic matter from the seed horizon. The seed is placed into this furrow and is fixed by the press wheel in the wet soil. Thus, an excellent emergence is achieved even in extreme climatic conditions. Sowing can be carried out either in cultivated or in uncultivated soil. The machine is optimum for no-till farming.

Sprinter 11 NT / Sprinter 12 NT / Sprinter 15 NT

The Sprinter 11 NT , 12 NT and 15 NT excel due to a 3-section frame concept that allows for a quick folding when changing fields and makes the machine a compact seed drill for large fields with low horsepower requirement. The Sprinter family guarantees a high clearance between frame and surface as well as between the seed coulters and thus is ideal as a direct seed drill. The individually controlled tine seed coulters place up to 3 components in an individually adjusted seed horizon where organic matter and clods have been removed before.

Strong arguments

  • Individually controlled tine seed coulter
  • Optimal seed drill for no-till farming
  • Perfect for professional large farms
  • Seed horizon is free from straw and lumps
  • Sowing into the open furrow. Seed grain falls in wet soil for optimum germination conditions.
  • Press wheel fixes seed grain in the wet soil
  • Hydr. coulter pressure adjustment with overload protection
  • Compact machine for large fields with low horsepower requirement
  • Double and triple tanks allow for simultaneously applying seed and fertiliser in the seed furrow
  • User-friendly: Almost no moving and very low-wearing parts at the seed elements
  • Tine bearing in rubber elements robust and maintenance-free
  • All components are very easy accessed

Sprinter 18 NT Sprinter 24 NT

The Sprinter 18 NT and 24 NT achieve maximum efficiency due to their working width and the corresponding SW 17000 with a double or a triple tank with a total capacity of 17 000 litres. Thus, this machine achieves highest hectare outputs whereas the filling stops are reduced. Ease of maintenance and robustness are another advantage of this technology for large fields.
The Sprinter 24 NT is the widest HORSCH seed drill in the market and excels due to its excellent accessibility to all seed coulters and components that have to be maintained. Combined with a HORSCH 21000 SW this machine is the ne plus ultra in the tine seed drill sector for large farms.
The HORSCH Seed Wagon 21000 is characterised by its triple tank system that allows for an optimum partition of seed and fertiliser components to achieve utmost efficiency. The easily accessible large platform as well as the large feed openings of the individual tanks reduce setup times and thus additionally increase the productivity of the whole machine. Well-proven components, corrosion-resistant plastic tanks, the very precise calibration of the metering rotors as well as the large hopper capacity complete the simple, clearlyarranged and extremely efficient SW 21000 concept.
The optionally available power track with a contact area of 4.2 m² reduces the soil pressure and allows for sowing longer under wet conditions. The long drawbar with the clearly arranged cabinet allows for maximum manoeuvrability despite the size of the machine combination.

Sprinter 12 NT / Sprinter 18 NT

Cutting discs

For the Sprinters 12 NT and 18 NT optional cutting discs in front of the tine seed coulters are possible. They can be adjusted hydraulically and cut into the soil in front of the tine section. Thus, brittle harvest residues and clods are removed from the seed furrow. Another advantage of the cutting discs is the possible, reduced movement of earth due to the cuttings in the disc. Thus, unnecessary additional water losses can be avoided.

Sprinter 15 NT

Liquid fertiliser

For the Sprinter 15 NT in combination with a seed wagon SW 12000 or SW 12003 a liquid fertiliser version is available as an option. The seed wagon 12000 is equipped with a 6 000 litres hopper, the seed wagon 12003 is equipped with a 4 000 litres hopper made of corrosion-resistant plastic. A clearly arranged control element and a highly visible level indicator at the side of the seed wagon as well as a large toolbox guarantee the wellknown HORSCH user-friendliness that is very much appreciated by the customers.
The liquid fertiliser can either be applied via the optional disc section in front of the tines or directly in the tine section.

Datos técnicos


HORSCH Sprinter NT Sprinter 11 NT Sprinter 12 NT Sprinter 15 NT Sprinter 18 NT Sprinter 24 NT
Working width (m) 10.80 12.00 15.00 18.00 24.00
Transport width (m) 6.60 6.12 6.60 5.80 6.75
Transport height (m) 3.70 4.70 5.55 5.10 6.10
Length without SW (m) 6.70 9.50 6.70 9.00 9.60
Length with SW 12000 SD (m) 12.35 17.00 12.35 17.50 ---
Length with SW 17000 SD (m) --- 17.20 --- 18.90 17.70
Length with SW 21000 SD (m) --- 18.50 --- 18.50 18.50
Weight without SW from (kg)* 7 650 14 000 8 800 17 400 16 000
Weight with SW 12000 SD (kg)* 12 350 18 500 13 500 21 900 ---
Weight with SW 17000 SD (kg)* --- 19 200 --- 23 600 21 200
Weight with SW 21000 SD (kg)* --- 19 850 --- 24 250 ---
Hopper capacity seed waggon (l) 12 000 Seed wagon SD 12 000 Seed wagon SD Seed wagon SD
Dimension feed opening (m) per 0.99 x 0.72 per 0.99 x 0.72 per 0.99 x 0.72 per 0.99 x 0.72 per 0.99 x 0.72
Filling height (m) 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.55 3.55
Tine spacing (cm) 30 25 / 30 / 37.5 25 / 30 25 / 30 / 37.5 30
Number of seed coulters 36 32 / 40 / 48 60 / 50 48 / 60 / 72 80
Rollers Ø (cm) 40 40 40 40 40
Rollers / coulter pressure (kg) 5 – 120 5 – 120 5 – 120 5 – 120 5 – 120
Tyre size chassis 400 / 60 – 15.5 400 / 60 – 22.5 400 / 60 – 15.5 550 / 45 – 22.5 420 / 75 R 20
Tyre size support wheels 400 / 60 – 15.5 400 / 60 – 22.5 400 / 60 – 15.5 400 / 60 – 22.5 400 / 60 – 15.5
Working speed (km/h) 7 – 10 7 – 10 7 – 10 7 – 10 7 – 10
Horsepower requirement (kW/hp) 210 – 235 / 285 – 320 220 – 260 / 300 – 350 260 – 295 / 350 – 400 330 – 370 / 450 – 500 405 – 440 / 550 – 600
DA control devices 3 3 3 2 3
Depressurized return flow (max. 5 bar) 1 1 1 1 1
Oil quantity hydr. fan (l/min) 40 – 50 40 – 50 40 – 50 50 – 60 50 – 60
Adj. drawbar linkage Pin Ø 50 – 55 a. 60 – 70 mm Pin Ø 50 – 55 a. 60 – 70 mm Pin Ø 50 – 55 a. 60 – 70 mm Pin Ø 70 mm (tractor) Pin Ø 70 mm (tractor)
Ball-type linkage K 80 K 80 K 80 K 80 K 80

* Weights of the machines with minimum equipment

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