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HORSCH Live 2021

We hope that you discovered new ideas about agriculture in our digital seminar.

Thank you very much for participating in our chats in the different channels and the very positive feedback with regard to the event!

All contributions are still available on our website and you can also find them in the HORSCH YouTube channel.

Thuesday, 30th November


19:00 - 21:00

Live Panel Discussion | "Will the prices of soft commodities be tagged along with the commodity market?"

Dr. Marlen Wienert, Heinrich von der Decken, Dr. Oliver Balkhausen (Director Economic Research of ADM Germany GmbH), Michael Horsch. host: Guido Höner

Dr. Marlen Wienert

BayWa Head of Business Unit Agriculture | Technology, Responsible for all sales and marketing channels and functionally responsible for the product management departments incl. purchasing

Heinrich von der Decken

Heinrich von der Decken works as a freelance agricultural management consultant

Director Economic Research at the ADM Germany GmbH. Dr. Balkhausen studied and did his doctor’s degree at the Georg-August-University Göttingen. Since 2008 he has been working in the economic department at ADM, since 2014 he is the head of the department. He is responsible for the global market analysis for cereals, oilseeds, animal feed stuff, vegetable oils and biofuel. He is the chairman of the European grain trade association COCERAL in Brussels for the sectors market and agricultural policy.

Guido Höner (top agrar)

Guido Höner is a trained farmer and graduate agricultural engineer. Since 1995 he has been working for the agricultural trade magazine top agrar in Münster. His specialist field is agricultural engineering. In summer 2019 he became one of two chief editors. Beside the production of the magazine, he is also responsible for the departments farming, agricultural engineering, new energy, farm life and livestock breeding.

Will the prices of soft commodities be tagged along with the commodity market or is there more behind it? How do we assess the global storage situation and how does the changed climate influence production and price development?

Host: Guido Höner, chief editor top agrar

Wednesday, 1st December


10:00 - 11:00

Maximum N efficiency due to a balanced plant nutrition!

Adrian Urban

Adrian Urban

Business Development Manager at the YARA GmbH & Co. KG. Adrian Urban is responsible for the business unit “Contractors” in Germany and the neighbouring countries.

At the moment there is a strong focus on fertilisation. Because of the statutory provisions as well as the price development of the past months agricultural farms face enormous challenges with regard to fertilisation.


11:00 - 12:00

Influence of nitrogen nutrition on the root growth of cultivated plants

Prof. Dr. Nicolaus von Wirén

Prof. Dr. Nicolaus von Wirén

Head of the department Physiology & Cell Biology at the IPK in Gatersleben. The department Physiology & Cell Biology examines how plants respond to abiotic stress factors such as drought or nutrient deficiency. This knowledge is then used to improve key heritable plant traits, including the efficiency of nutrient uptake by the roots, the depth of the root system and protection from damage caused by UV radiation or dehydration.

For several years, the focus has been on nutrient efficiency.
Can we manage to make better use of the nutrients in the soil and, thus, to become more fertiliser-efficient? Which basics are discussed by scientists?


12:00 - 13:00

Rape as a „cash crop“. Why was the rape yield disappointing in many places and how can it be stabilised in 2022?

Ference Cornis

Ferenc Kornis

Ferenc Kornis was born in Bavaria but grew up on the family farm in Hungary. Since 2013 he has been working as a consultant, and in 2021, he became the managing director of the N.U. Agrar GmbH and is responsible for the external organisation of the company. The focus of his counselling task mainly is on soybeans, sunflowers, maize, cereals, rape.

Rape cultivation plays a central role in the rotation of many farms. For economic reasons rape was more and more cultivated in tighter rotations in some regions of Central Europe. Beside a rotation that has been too tight for many years the disappearance of different crop care components makes things even worse for a successful rape cultivation.


13:00 - 13:30

Parts puzzle – Logistics at HORSCH from purchasing to the complete machine | HORSCH Maschinen GmbH


13:30 - 14:00

Vacuum or shoot system – Which maize metering system guarantees a perfect result? | HORSCH Maschinen GmbH

Thomas Murr

Thomas Murr

Horsch Maschinen GmbH - Sales Support Planting


14:00 - 14:30

Farm report from Russia | Optimisation due to a change of cultivation strategies and rotations

Wassili Nikolajewitsch Mischantschuk

Vasily Nikolaevich Mishantshuk

Farm manager: general director/head of the farm Anton J. Malkov / owner of the company: Vasily N. Mishantshuk
Farm size – 6 000 ha with 12 crops in direct seed: winter wheat, rye, winter rape, spring rape, spring wheat, spring barley, flax, soya, mustard, peas, lentils, coriander

The rapid agricultural development in Russia requires new cultivation and farming strategies. Vasily N. Mishantshuk, owner of EKO-AGROFERMA, shows the optimisation strategies of his farm based on changed cultivation strategies and rotation. The farm is located in Central Russia, south of Moscow.


14:30 - 15:00

Farm report from Russia | Optimisation of the work results, increase of efficiency and operational reliability due to state-of-the-art technology

Sergey Gennadievich Korolkov

Sergey Gennadievich Korolkov

President of the agricultural production cooperative SCHPK «RODINA» (ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ СХПК «РОДИНА» Мичуринского района)
Location of the farm: Russian Federation, Tambow Oblast – Farm size – 5 500 ha
Crops: winter wheat, spring wheat, malting barley, peas, soya, sunflowers, grain maize.

Another innovative Russian farm presents itself: Sergey G. Korolkov, President of the agricultural production cooperative SCHPK, talks about the optimisation of the work results, the increase of efficiency and operational reliability due to state-of-the-art technology. This farm, too, is located south of Moscow in Central Russia.


15:00 - 16:00

What are new approaches and ideas to reduce plant protection technically?

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Bauer, HSWT Triesdorf

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Bauer

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Bauer studied at the University Hohenheim and did his doctor’s degree at the IPK. At the HSWT in Triesdorf he heads the departments plant production, plant protection and grassland as well as the biomass institute – a co-operation between the HSWT Triesdorf and the university Ansbach.

At the moment, plant protection is marked and shaped considerably by legal framework conditions. In his speech, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Bauer explains which technical and agronomic approaches can be taken to get closer to the reduction targets set by the politicians.


16:00 - 16:30

Pronto DC – The next generation | HORSCH Maschinen GmbH

Kai-Christian Schramm

Kai-Christian Schramm

HORSCH Maschinen GmbH - Sales Support, Seeding


16:30 - 16:45

Image campaign | HORSCH Maschinen GmbH

Michael Horsch

Michael Horsch

Managing director, HORSCH Maschinen GmbH

Michael Horsch about #futureground


16:45 - 17:00

Band spraying method in sugar beets

Interview with farmer Manfred Haberl


17:00 - 18:00

Rape – a top-selling crop. Cultivation strategies for rape in Eastern Europe

Olaf Gaue

Olaf Gaue

Plant production consultant for rape

Rape cultivation more and more drifts east. How is rape produced under these framework conditions?


18:00 - 18:30

News from the HORSCH crop care sector – 3-point and self-propelled sprayers | HORSCH Maschinen GmbH

Jens Fehl and Max Plappert

Jens Fehl

Sales Support - Crop Care

Max Plappert

Sales Support - Crop Care


19:00 - 21:00

Live Panel Discussion | "Will cameras replace the human eye in the crop care sector?"

Dr. Jens König, Prof. Dr. Bernhard Bauer, Dr. Robin Mink, Theo Leeb

Dr. Jens König

Cameras with their recognition algorithms are more and more going to support the human eye in the crop care sector. But the best camera with the most accurate recognition algorithms alone does not take good agronomic decisions and does not guarantee good yields.

Dr. Robin Mink – co-founder and co-managing director of SAM-DIMENSION.com

In the future, the use of cameras in the crop care sector will become more and more important. It is essential that the focus when making decisions is on the farmer. Due to the mapping system of SAM-DIMENSION average herbicide savings of 40 to 70 % can be realised for sugar beets and maize.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Bauer

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Bauer studied at the University Hohenheim and did his doctor’s degree at the IPK. At the HSWT in Triesdorf he heads the departments plant production, plant protection and grassland as well as the biomass institute – a co-operation between the HSWT Triesdorf and the university Ansbach.

Theo Leeb

CEO HORSCH LEEB Application Systems GmbH

To what extent do cameras with their recognition algorithms support integrated crop care?

Thursday, 2nd December


10:00 - 11:00

Economic efficiency of an agricultural farm under different framework conditions

Cort Brinkmann, LBB mbH

Cort Brinkmann M. Sc. agr.

Partner and managing director of the LBB mbH and consultant for various economic questions in the agricultural sector

The intensity in the individual agricultural farms is considerably marked by their structure and the environment. How do the farms differ with regard to their cost structure and their labour intensity in Germany and in selected European countries?

Alternatively, you can watch this video directly on YouTube.

11:00 - 12:00

Challenges of wheat breeding in the future. Which breeding objectives do you have to pursue in 2022 to be up to date in 2030?

Dr. Hubert Kempf, SECOBRA Saatzucht GmbH

Hubert Kempf
Hubert Kempf

Hubert Kempf studied agricultural sciences, plant production, at the University Hohenheim and did a doctor’s degree in plant production about variety mixtures of winter wheat. In 1991, he became wheat breeder and head of seed breeding at the Saatzucht Schweiger company. Since 2007 he has been responsible for wheat breading at the SECOBRA Saatzucht company, at the same time he is head of the branch at the Feldkirchen Moosburg site.

The breeding objectives are a very long-term process and require a lot of foresight to meet the future conditions. Wheat breeding, too, has to prepare for the following, currently foreseeable developments/problem areas and adapt their breeding objectives for 2030 accordingly:

  • Reduction of plant protection agents
  • Reduction of fertiliser use – lower protein content = lower quality?
  • Increase of organic farming to 30% - separate organic breeding with special breeding objectives
  • Drier and warmer vegetation periods because of climate change – heat and drought stress

In many cases, wheat breeding provides potential solutions (breeding for resistance, better protein quality, organic quality, varieties that are more resistant to heat and drought stress) for the developments/problem areas mentioned and already today has to prepare for it with the relevant breeding objectives it has to work on.

Alternatively, you can watch this video directly on YouTube.

12:00 - 12:30

Roadshow - Innovation 4 Farmers | HORSCH Maschinen GmbH

HORSCH Maschinen GmbH

Roadshow – Innovation 4 Farmers

Alternatively, you can watch this video directly on YouTube.

12:30 - 14:00

Live Panel Discussion | First experiences when using field robotics in sugar beets

Norbert Bleisteiner, Michael Horsch, HORSCH Maschinen GmbH

Norbert Bleisteiner
Norbert Bleisteiner

Agricultural training & studies HSWT, head of the Initiative Circle EE Metropolitan Region Nuremberg, head of the Centre for Energy and Agricultural Engineering

Michael Horsch, Managing Director - HORSCH Maschinen GmbH

Autonomisation has found its way into livestock farming. Will we meet robots in our fields, too, in the near future?

Alternatively, you can watch this video directly on YouTube.

14:00 - 14:30

Precise harrow technology from 6 to 24 metres – Cura ST | HORSCH Maschinen GmbH

Andreas Bogner / Johannes Schmidt

Andreas Bogner

HORSCH Maschinen GmbH, Sales Support - Hybrid Farming

Johannes Schmidt

HORSCH Maschinen GmbH, Sales Support - Hybrid Farming

Alternatively, you can watch this video directly on YouTube.

14:30 - 15:30

The importance of microbiomes of soils for the quality of plants and for human health

Prof. Michael Schloter, TUM - Helmholz Zentrum

Prof. Michael Schloter, TUM - Helmholz Centre

Head of the Department of Comparative Microbiome Analysis at the Helmholtz Centre Munich and Professor for Microbiology at the Technical University Munich.

A large number of different microorganisms lives in our soils. They considerably influence our crops and thus, the harvested crops, too.

Alternatively, you can watch this video directly on YouTube.

15:30 - 16:00

Mechanical weed control – Shallow, precise, all over | HORSCH Maschinen GmbH

Roman Scheller

Roman Scheller

HORSCH Maschinen GmbH - Sales Support, Tillage

Alternatively, you can watch this video directly on YouTube.

16:00 - 17:00

Experiences with biological crop care at a conventional, large Brazilian farm. From the propagation of microorganisms to the securing of yields.

Bruno Reinhofer (Brazil)

Bruno Reinhofer

Final degree in Agricultural Engineering at the Federal University of Paraná. Since 2007 he has been working in the Reinhofer group together with his father Eduardo, his brother Robert and his mother Hildegardt who is responsible for the social sector of the company. In 2005 he completed his degree in Business Management at the Positivo University in Curitiba - Paraná.

Biological plant protection is well-established on the farm of Bruno Reinhofer. New effective preparations are examined and developed in the farm-owned laboratory. The reproduction of microorganisms, too, is carried out in-house on a larger scale. Due to this kind of crop care optimisation considerable savings are achieved.

Alternatively, you can watch this video directly on YouTube.