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terraHORSCH Issue 28-2024: The issue 28 of our customer magazine terraHORSCH highlights HORSCH's 40-year history of innovation, provides international and practical insights, and focuses on future-oriented developments such as digitalization and sustainable agriculture.
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Average reading time: 5 minutes

The water capacity of different soils plays a major role for the water supply of plants. This capacity depends on factors like soil pores, soil type and humus content. The water supply can be influenced by various factors like ploughing, direct seeding and mulch seeding.

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Average reading time about 4 minutes

For more than 10 years, HORSCH has been focusing intensively on the singulation of cereals. It is nothing new, but the longtime experiences with this system show the potentials and also the limits. With regard to the changing conditions, do the potentials now outweigh the limits? And what are the benefits? 

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Average reading time: 4 minutes

Once again, farmers across the US are battling cool, wet spring conditions. As the extended forecast raises the possibility of a continued wet forecast, the realization of a 24-hour planting window becomes more of a reality.


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Average reading time: 3 minutes

Recent interests in cover crops have demanded more answers. Some of these questions include: What are the best seeding techniques, correct seeding populations, right mixes, and most effective termination practices?


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Average reading time: 5 minutes

In the last blog article, we discussed straw distribution before stubble cultivation. What did we learn? That it is particularly important to take a look behind the combine. The keywords are: Homogeneous straw distribution and Good chaff quality



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Average reading time: 3 minutes

Straw – it is a by-product of the harvest, but its significance of straw and, thus, also for straw management is constantly increasing. We want to question and to examine these topics. For what happens in front of the combine has become as important as what remains behind the combine.


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